Thursday, April 23, 2015

PIER Newsletter : April 14, 2015

Welcome PIER members. Going forward PIER will mail out information in the form of a bi-monthly newsletter to all PIER members. In the future, this letter will be posted to the PIER website.
If you would like to announce a job or submit a resource or event for the PIER Newsletter, please email to for consideration. The PIER Board will take all submissions under consideration for posting in the PIER Newsletter.

Thank you,

The PIER Board

In This Issue:
PIER Chair Announcements
PIER Announcement

PIER Chair Announcement

Dear PIER Members,

Our next PIER Meeting is tomorrow, April 15th at Grossmont College. Attached to this email are the agenda, directions and your parking permit. Full instructions are in the PIER meeting agenda. If you did not receive your parking permit, please email me, the PIER Chair at and I will send as an attachment.

PIER is always looking for best ways to serve our members, please email the PIER Chair and Vice Chair at with your suggestions to make PIER meetings and the group to meet your needs as an international educator.

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Follow the links below to sign up NAFSA Region XII Southern District Newsletter 

PIER Announcement

PIER 2014 - 2015 Meeting Dates
All Meeting Times are at 2:00 pm with the exception of the PIER Workshop
April 15 – Location: Grossmont College (see attached agenda, directions, and parking permit)
June 17 – Location: USD
PIER Board
Chair - Kasey McCarthy, Gemological Institute of America
Vice - Chair - Yasue O'Neill, Palomar College
Treasurer - Martha Delgadillo, EC San Diego
Membership Coordinator - LyKai Johnson, EC San Diego
Secretary - Eric Abutin, National University
Web Coordinator - Cadence Ellis, National University