Tuesday, August 4, 2015

PIER Newsletter: August 4, 2015

In This Issue:

PIER Chair Announcements

Job Postings

PIER Chair Announcements

PIER By-Laws Amended and Adopted
Amendments to the PIER By-Laws had been made by the board, and the new By-Laws was adopted on June 17, 2015. The By-Laws has been posted on the PIER website.  Below is the link.  http://sdpiergroup.blogspot.com/p/pier-by-laws.html

USCIS Texas and California Service Center Open House Notes from NAFSA
The Texas Service Center and California Service Center held Open House meetings, and notes taken by members of NAFSA’s ISS-RP Regulatory Ombudsperson Subcommittee have been posted: 
Survey on Meeting Date Availability
PIER is constantly looking for input from our members. Prior to choosing our meeting dates for the 2015-2016 year, we would like to hear from you. Please fill out this quick survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PZV6FDP  about meeting date availability. Thank you.
Reminder: NAFSA Region XII Southern District
The Southern California District one-day mini conference is around the corner (Friday, August 14th, 2015). The conference is from 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. at California State University, Long Beach. Please see the attached flyer. Visit the Conference Website for on-going updates & program details. Register for the Conference online, & send any questions to region12south@gmail.com.

Job Posting
Please check out the employment opportunities at the University of San Diego.  www.sandiego.edu/jobs  search "Exchange Program Adviser." If you’re interested, you may contact USD Human Resources. 

PIER Board

Chair - Kasey McCarthy, Gemological Institute of America Kasey.McCarthy@gia.edu
Chair-Elect - Eric Abutin, National University eabutin@nu.edu
Treasurer - Martha Delgadillo, EC San Diego MarthaDelgadillo@ecenglish.com
Membership Coordinator - LyKai Johnson, EC San Diego lykaijohnson@ecenglish.com
Communications Coordinator – John Akapito, National University jakapito@nu.edu

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